Thursday, 23 April 2009

Kaki Wayang ..

This month i watched 2 movies at the cinema.. last Saturday tengok Fast and Furious 4 kt TGV Sunway. spontan je xtiviti ni. best citer ni.. even i hairan how come Han is still alive.. i x follow sgt cite FnF ni. but enjoyed it very much..

last night i watched Friday the 13th. the story, as xpected in typical US thriller. all the events dlm citer tu aku da blh guess. despite of the "knowing wat's next in the movie", i can say admire jgk dgn stunt2 dia. mmg daring jgk killing method yg digunakan.. tp last night the fun was off the screen, as i went with my close friends.. kerenah derang yg aku seronok lebih... hehe.. jom wat lagi kengkawan...