Tamat sudah riwayat ibu saudara ku, kakak kepada ayah. kali terakhir aku jumpa mok ngoh masa awal july. masa tu mok ngoh nazak jugak. kt hospital. mok ngoh sesak nafas. alhamdulillah masa tu semakin pulih. mok ngoh dpt balik rumah.
1st time aku dpt tahu mok ngoh diagnosed with cancer was in april. masa tu aku kt kuantan. time dpt tahu tu pun aku dah nangis.. aku x tau kenapa. tp masa aku dpt tahu "De", adik mak aku dpt kanser aku x nangis. dlm hati aku masih ada harapan utk De pulih. mungkin sebab beza umur antara de ngn mok ngoh. plus mok ngoh was already at stage 4 punye kanser. tapi De still at stage 3.
23rd of August
1.20 pm
- my cuzen called informing me of her death.
1.30 pm
- fetch my father from his home. surprisingly to find him not even ready yet.
2.30 pm
- depart from sunway.
- fetch my brother at pekeliling
3.30 pm
- br dpt masuk karak highway after gone thru such mass traffic.
11.00 pm
- arrived at mok ngoh's house.
- greet my cuzen to see her so calm.
- i slept for only 2 hours that night.
- accompanied my cuzen.she cried beside her mother. yet still calm even tho crying.
24th August 2008
6.00 am
- subuh prayer
- get things ready to mandikan jenazah.
7.30 am
- i made the water to be used, kapur barus and daun hmm can't remember the name.
9.00 am
- ustazah yg lead mandi jenazah tu baru smpai. then baru la start mandikan jenazah.
- my cuzen, eni,me and few other cousins, and also in laws also helped.
aku sgt berbesar hati dpt peluang mandikan arwah. sebab aku rs bersalah sangat x jaga dia masa dia sakit.
10.40 am
- kafankan arwah
- sembahyang jenazah
- iring ke kubur. yg naik dlm van jenazah masa tu, ayah ngoh, mok ngoh's children (eni, hisham n yon), me n my dad
11.00 am
- alhamdulillah sesampai di kubur semua urusan mudah. anak2 mok ngoh sgt berharap dpt tanam before kul 12 sebab itu waktu yg elok. alhamdulillah tercapai.
12.00 pm
- bertolak balik rumah
- makan tengahari
- dpt la tidur skejap. mmg kepenatan.
2.00 pm
- fetch my cuzen's husband from airport.
7.30 pm
- after solat maghrib, siap-siap untuk kenduri tahlil
itula aktiviti me n my family last weekend. mok ngoh aku ni dia la yg selalu tolong orang. dia tolong masa kakak aku kahwin aritu. mok ngoh selalu pesan kt aku walau mcm mana pun ayah tetap ayah aku. walau dia byk buat perangai.. mok ngoh pesan kt cuzen aku suruh carikan jodoh untuk aku. terharu betul aku dgr.
aku x sangka betul mok ngoh dah takde. mak sedara aku yg baik hati ade 2 je. mok ngoh ngn de. dua2 sakit. sorang da x de. ape2 pun aku redho. semoga ALLah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh mok ngoh.i love you mok ngoh. insyaallah eni ya adounii hisham yon abe mie lai will always pray for you. kitorang akan terus bersatu as a family..
mok ngoh dalam kenangan..
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
Thursday, 21 August 2008
Interpersonal Intelligence
Your Interpersonal Intelligence Score: 77% |
![]() Your Interpersonal Intelligence is High You are definitely a "people person." You enjoy spending time with others. You instinctively understand people, and you are both a good counsellor and mediator. However, there are definitely times when you've had enough. And that's when you cherish being alone. |
Outcome of nothing to blog mood..
People Definitely Like You |
![]() You are very well liked, and many people admire you. You are friendly, well mannered, and fun to be around. Of course, you're not perfect... but that's okay. Your friends are usually willing to accept you for who you are! What People Don't Like About You: People don't like that you seem unnatural and stiff at times. You sometimes give off an impression of being standoffish or fake. What People Like About You: People like that you can defend what you believe in calmly and rationally. You stand your ground and gain respect. People like that you give them complements. You make people feel good about themselves! People like your self deprecating sense of humor and that you don't take yourself too seriously. |
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