Thursday 30 August 2007

How Mature Are You

You Are Very Mature

Even though you may not always feel like it, you're a full fledged adult.

And while everyone should be as mature as you, most people aren't!

Wednesday 29 August 2007

it has been awhile..

1. First off, what's your name?

2. What do you think of the song......hey there delilah?
~Fits me.. huwaa..

3. What song are you listening to right now?
~sean kingston - beautiful

4. What's your opinion of pointless surveys like these?
~helps me to release stress

5. If you could change your eye color what would it be?
~i dun want to change.. like juz the way it is

6. What is the wallpaper on your phone?
~My nephew

7. How many pillows on your bed?

8. Who was the last person you talked on the phone to?

10. What was the best thing that happened to you last year?
~Got a job at honeywell.. haha

11. Do any of your friends annoy you?
~it wud be alie if i say none.. nobody's perfect

12. Who's the fourth person on your contacts list?

13. When was the last time you cried from laughing so hard?
~can't remember

14. Which primary school did you attend to?
~SRK Assunta Convent, Kuantan

15. Do you like pickles?

16. Who was the last person that made you laugh?
~Saiful Apek on Gitu Gitu Apek. haha

17. Do you like Quiznos?
~wat da...

18. Who do you make fun of the most?
~my sisters!

19. What's the longest you've ever talked on the phone?
~1/2 an hour

20. Do you think you've gotten prettier since primary school?

21. Have you cried,listening to a song?

25. Do you dance in the car?

24. What do you think of hunting and fishing?
~wud say no to hunting.. but wud like to try fishing tho

27. Does your mom vacuum early in the morning, when you're sleeping?

28. Are your parents in love?
~not anymore

29. At what age did you get your MP3 player or iPod?

30. Where and how did you get your last bruise from?

31. Would you rather sleep at a friend's house or have them over?
~have them over

32. Who is in your house right now ?
~ma cuzins

33. Have you ever thought you were gonna die?

34. How do you like your steak?
~well done

35. What do you smell like right now?
~the smell of enthusiasme to do a lot better for HPU2

36. Do you have a hard time admitting you're wrong?

37. Who would you like to meet one day?
~one who completes me

Sunday 26 August 2007


hai.. aku tak terkata da ni.. tiba2 jumaat petang dpt task suh wat fat. mmg aku x tah pape.. so mula jumaat aritu kena la struggle. mula2 mmg marah sgt. last minute br nk bgtau. tapi..
hmm nk wat cemana.. aku hanya semut merah..

kecik ati, terkilan.. menyampah.. semua pun ade.. tp at the end of the day, having 2nd thought, that leads me nowhere. ada jgk faedahnye.. sbb assetmax x ramai tau kt sini. x pe la.. aku jgk yg pandai nanti.. terima kasih YA ALLAH..

Monday 20 August 2007

My patience ends here

aku da x leh sabar dah. nmpak muka pm aku, menyirap darah aku ni. selama ni aku sabar. aku da hilang gigi 2 btg. aku asek mc aje. selama ni aku ikut aje arahan. aku bersuara pun x de sape nk dgr. mg3 is haywired from day 1.

dgn ini aku declare, my patience ends here...

Sunday 19 August 2007

Teraniaya Tanpa Sedar

August.. aku da mula serasi dengan tempat kerja.. ini bulan ke 9 aku keje kt honeyhell ni.. bermula dgn tak tahu ape2.. aku even x sangka honeyhell ni involve industry oil n gas.. wat made me accept the job was because the interviewer promised me that everybody new will be given training first.. he is well acknowledged of my lack of experience in networking which he intend to put me into.. he is well acknowledged that i only had 1 year of working experience..

masa memula join, aku quite happy. coz aku diberi masa untuk settle down and learn .. masuk january things started to get haywired.aku culture shock bila tau wat projek untuk oil n gas.. dpt pulak discipline lead yg mcm org giler.... obviously he doesn't like me. and i don't like him too.. fair enuf...

3rd month keje,february, aku nekad nk quit.. intensively seeked for jobs.. got a few... tp bila istikharah.. hunch untuk stay sgt kuat.. so aku pun stay..

6th month keje, that was the peak of suffer.. aku x leh lupa kejadian di bulan mei itu... nasib baik ada kengkawan.. toqmat, ida, anne, saiful, rajah, eric,ijan.. k.wati, kak ct.. xsangka jugak aku manage jgk la got thru...

this month.. segalanye terjawab.. bila da ada system crash kiterang report kt expert dr singapore, alex. i spent about 2.5 days with him.. mmg byk benda aku belajar dgn dia.. so basically dia explain wat went wrong n wat are the possibilities that made things wrong.
aku sgt gembira bila alex ckp the major problem is focalpoint person is not trained. wow aku x sangka dia akn guna word major problem. anyway thanx a load.. then ada ismatch configuration kt switch jgk.. yg tu mmg silap aku la.. tapi alex kt dia pun pernah connect CF9 ty kt different configured ports n it doesn't give any harm.. n mmg aku tahu x de harm. coz da byk benda jalan under that switch.. haha.. but still, for me, lesson learnt..he told me not to worry.. pastu dia ada tegur pasal architecture.. this is a big matter..

mostly menda yg alex tegur, da byk org yg expert kt sini tegur.. tp since pm pandai sgt.. ikut ckp x-EM yg bo*** itu..

alex kt it is not fair, to give such responsibilities to new ppl like me.. aku x kn lupa smpai mati apa yg management ni buat kt aku.. aku sgt2 rs teraniaya.. walaubagaimana pun, aku syukur dgn apa yg ALLah kurniakan... i can forgive, but i cannot forget..

Sunday 12 August 2007

Always Look at the Big Picture

hai bloggie.. it's sunday and here i am at home .. alone.. just got back from pyramid to collect my new spectacles.. as earlier my specs broke into two..hmm so sad...

today nothing interesting happened.. just a normal day.. thank GOD.. still a month to go for mg3 fat to be over.. hmm can't wait for it to happen.. its gud to be free from mg3.. to me.. this project is not a total hate.. an't deny learned a load tho.. n learned it the hard way..

it's a good lesson for me tho.. it's just sometimes i just think, everything in my life, lesson learnt.. but from the hard way.. so.. the best that i can do is, to see things from a bigger picture..

Monday 6 August 2007

What you give, you get back..

what you give, you get back.. selalu kt dengar, we treat people, the way we want people to treat us.. somewhat true..I might say very true.. da bnyak menda aku witness.. mmg kt dpt balik apa yg kita buat kt orang.. my stepmom, married suami orang (my dad i mean to say..) ended up my dad married another one.. my fren, kutuk mcm2 kt another fren.. in the end she was doing the same thing..

last week keluar org chart baru... all i look for is just the name for the position of Engineering Manager .. aku x kesah pun nama aku kt maner.. and thank GOD.. my OM held on to his words.. tak sia2 luahan rasa kiterang sebelum ni.. so far my new EM memang best.. i felt a lot more confident being under him.. even baru sekejap.. and just hope for it to last as long as I'm working at honeywell.. hmm bila da tau honeywell ni mcm mane.. skrg aku rs aku nk set satu target.. gain as much experience as I can.. when the time comes, blah la.. sia sia je berjanggut kat honeywell ni.. aku pk aku ni x byk exp aje.. so kena la stay lama sikit kt honeywell ni. matlamat aku, aku nak kaya.. so kalo nak kaya mmg x leh la lelama kt honeywell ni.. aku ada byk hutang nk setel.. n byk benda aku nk buat.. n contribute kt family aku..

love ur job but never love ur company... tadi g dinner kt secret recipe.. mkn udang lagi.. harini hari mkn udang sedunia.. tgh udang.. ptg udang.. sheila banjer.. best giller.. pastu g umah ida kejap jumpa sorang "bapak" ni.. mtk tlg tgkkan ayah dia.. hmm sian dia.. sheila ada masalah family.. skrg ni mak dia nk cerai.. katanye ayah dia tu da x leh nk diubatkan da.. mmg asalnye ayah dia kn buat dek org.. tp since ayah dia mmg originally x best.. so susah la nk ubat.. dlm kete byk ida ngn sheila dok bercerita psl kes2 rumahtangga ni.. kawin suami orang la.. isteri pregnant suami kawin lain la.. mcm2.. cerai sana cerai sini... aku terdiam.. timbul dlm hati aku rs mcm ee aku x nk dgr sume cite ni.. dr umah ida smpi blk semula opis aku diam aje.. aku x suka nak take part dlm conversation tu.. tiba2 mood aku pun jadik x best..

senang je nk ckp.. pasal kes org ni cerai.. org tu cerai.. tp bukan senang nk tahu apa perasaan si anak.. bila mak ngn ayah cerai.. benda mcm ni kena kt batang hidung baru tahu apa rasanya.. bg aku, walau pun dah lama mak ngn ayah aku cerai.. almost 10 years.. tp semuanya masih lagi crystal clear dlm kepala aku.. n aku x kan lupa sampai aku masuk kubur.. aku ckp ngn sheila.. apa pun yg pnting kt ikhtiar.. jgn nanti suatu hari nanti kt menyesal.. dgn apa yg jadi.. tapi sebabnye ada lah kerana kita x ikhtiar..

yg pasti aku x suka tgk orang cerai.. Tuhan pun kata cerai itu ada lah perkara yg paling dibenciNYA.. entah la..semua orang ingat cerai itu penyelesaian.. mungkin bg situasi situasi tertentu.. aku rs Nabi Muhammad sruh kite cuba sampai da takde ikhtiar dah, cerai is the last thing to do..

bukannye senang cerai ni.. bg aku, kesan mak ngn ayah aku cerai masih panas lagi.. kdg2 pun aku susah nk terima.. byk menda aku rs nk marah.. n aku rs actually menda tu blh diselesaikan.. tp disebab kan ketika itu emosi mengetuai segalanye.. kerana itula perceraian terjadi..

apa2 pun.. ALLah know BEST.. n aku tetap bersyukur dgn apa yg ALLah takdirkan untuk aku.. cuma aku ni kdg2 x pandai nk hargai.. setitis derita melanda, seribu kurniaanNYA.. wallahualam bissawab

Sunday 5 August 2007

Simpsonize my weekend

it has been quite some time since i went wandering at malls.. i finally got the time to do so.. went to OU today with milo.. da lama bercita-cita nk berjalan2 kt OU tu.. coz aku jarang g OU ni benanye.. so arini dapat la tgk movie kt sana.. Simpsons the movie... memang BEST giler.. sgt2 kelakar.. dari mula sampai habis asyik geeeeelaaaakkk ajer.. huhu..

then jenjalan kt OU . bought maself one tshirt... hmm green color.. jarang giler beli green.. asek hitam merah biru.. hmm ...

arini aku g opis jugak.. ok la.. aku rs gembira jgk g opis arini.. coz dpt solve one problem tadi.. nsb baik jgk kalo x x dpt la g ronggeng kt OU..
last week aku penat keje.. coz it was myFAT.. only 3 days but the preparation was more than that.. ari2 pun bangung awal.. x nak lambat takut customer tunggu .. kang kena komplen pulak.. aku happy jgk wat FAT tu.. barula aku tahu.. customer aku ni memang x best langsung... naik menyampah da jadinye.. tanya soklan yg bodoh.. benda kecik2 pun nk punch.. siott tul.. aku dpt 28 punchlist.. FAT tu amin la yg jd tulang belakang aku.. aku jadi semangat coz he's a great leader.. memang betul pun statement yg aku tampal kt opis tu.. a BOSS creates fear.. a LEADER creates confidence..

insyaallah aku akan berusaha lebih gigih lagi lepas ni.. ceh wah...

Saturday 4 August 2007

25 MOST Spontaneous Questions

25 of the MOST Spontaneous Questions Ever, BE HONEST.

1. What do you want for your birthday?
: him

2. Who will be your next kiss?
: hmmm..

3. When was the last time you went to the mall?
: can't recall.. damn i didn't have the time.. oh my !

4. Are you wearing socks right now?
: nope

5. How did you spend your summer?
: here no summer laa..

6. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
: no.. i'm always in the office.. damn !!

7. What was the last thing you had drink?
: sky juice

8. What are you wearing right now?
: pyjamas

9. What was your last purchase?
: my lunch

10.What was the last food you ate?
: nasik+brocolli+ayam goreng kunyit beli kt jaring.. nyum..

11. Who would be the person you would call if you were up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep?
: i don't call people when i can't sleep

12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
: nope.. i dun even go to the mall..

13. Do you have a pet?
: i don't fancy animals..

14. What made you laugh in the last 5 days?
: sweet memories

15. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
: with my nephews..

16. What is the last thing you purchased online?
: reload coupon

17. One thing you hate about yourself?
: can't fight/stand for maself

18. What's your favourite soup?
: chicken soup/sup tulang

19. Do you miss anyone?
: my nephews..

20. What are your plans for the day?
: get some rest

21. Last person you msg'd?
: KJ

22. Ever went to camp?
: maybe..

23. Are you a good student in school?
: i was the quiet one..

24. What do you know about the (your) future?
: i'll be rich... definitely.. hehehehe

25. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?