Monday 22 December 2008

da lama x blog..

hai blog.. dah lama x tulis kt sini.. x tau nk tulis ape coz not much happening things lately.. sebulan x pegi site last month..arghh my income dropped..
anyway last month my cuzen kawen.. ok la.. cud be better... mmg meriah..

Monday 13 October 2008

the dooms, the damns and the downs of my life..

mmg da lama giler aku x update blog ni.. not that i have nothing to write.. it's just too much in my head rite now.. especially after i lost the most lovable aunty, "DE" in my life.. she passed away last ramadhan, on the 13th.i did expect it. but didn't expect it too was second after i lost mak ngah in kelantan last august. on the 12th i just texted her saying tht i'm coming for work in kuantan and i want to company her when her husband goes for terawih. well, wat's gone is gone. ape yg penting, i thank GOD very much coz she went away peacefully and the best was in ramadhan. n i thank GOD that i have told her tht i love her. at least she knows it.

after the lost, i was morally down. lost my appetite. but life still needs to go on. people ask me to take care of my cousin, Yin. this late few years, we became quite close as she stayed with me for a while before moved in with her brother.

both aunties, was the major help during my family crisis in 2003. it was 5 years ago but everything is crystal clear in my head. i've told my frens about it. but none knows everything coz i didn't have time to tell it all. soo many things happen. learnt a lot about life that time.

susah nk citer kt dlm ni. dunno how to express it. sometimes i thot of putting into a novel or something. but not everybody can understand. hikmah aunty i pergi, is that we bonded back with my other aunty whom we "had crisis" with. not that tight but at least better than before. sblum ni raya pun aku ngn akak aku x hingin nak pergi. tahun ni la 1st time pergi raya. her kids tahun ni la baru oksikit. besala memula hipokrit la jgk.lantak la.. biasa je.

for now, i think i just want to concentrate on my work. my life. my sis. my mom. my bro. my dad.. yang lain tu kalau ade kira extra la. kite x leh dapat semua benda kt dlm dunia ni.. ape pun aku semakin memahami takdir hidup yg ALLah tentukan selama ni. wallahualam.

Thursday 4 September 2008

Saje suka suka

1. Name one person who made you laugh last night?

2. What were you doing at 0800?
trying to get out of bed..

3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
in the office, doing stuffs..

4. What happened to you in 2006?
Life was simple, broke but happy. free !!

5. What was the last thing you said out loud?
eh cemana nk print booklet ..?

6. How many beverages did you have today?
fried mee for sahur..

7.What color is your hairbrush?

8. What was the last thing you paid for?
my car.. @#$%^&*

9. Where were you last night?
went to send some kurma to eni's house..

10. What color is your front door?
dark green..

11. Where do you keep your change?
Purse, in my car, werever it fits..

12. What’s the weather like today?

13. What’s the best ice-cream flavor?

14. What excites you?
hmm.. paintball? any indoor sports will do..

15. Do you want to cut your hair?
yes. thot of having it next week..

16. Are you over the age of 25?

17. Do you talk a lot?
only when tensed or excited.

18. Do you watch the O.C ?
sometimes.. great drama..

19. Do you know anyone named Steven?
yeah my neighbour here in pj and kuantan..

20. Do you make up your own words?
not really.

21. Are you a jealous person?
rationally yes.

22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘ A ‘?
anand the crazy man..

23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘ K ‘?

24. Who’s the first person on your received call list?
Anand the crazy man

25. What does the last text message your received say?
ada.. kita bukak puasa kat sini..ayhngah tido cni.!

26. Do you chew on your straw?
yeah u caught me..

27. Do you have curly hair?

28. Where’s the next place you’re going to?
pasar ramadhan kelana jaya

29. Who’s the rudest person in life?

30. What was the last thing you ate?
fried mee for sahur

31. Will you get married in the future?

32. What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks?
i rarely watched any movie lately

33. Is there anyone you like right now?
not really

34. When was the last time you did the last wishes?
last night

35. Are you currently depressed?
just lost my favorite auntie.. n that's a yes..

36. Did you cry today?
no. had enuff..

Wednesday 27 August 2008

Al Fatihah to Mok Ngoh

Tamat sudah riwayat ibu saudara ku, kakak kepada ayah. kali terakhir aku jumpa mok ngoh masa awal july. masa tu mok ngoh nazak jugak. kt hospital. mok ngoh sesak nafas. alhamdulillah masa tu semakin pulih. mok ngoh dpt balik rumah.

1st time aku dpt tahu mok ngoh diagnosed with cancer was in april. masa tu aku kt kuantan. time dpt tahu tu pun aku dah nangis.. aku x tau kenapa. tp masa aku dpt tahu "De", adik mak aku dpt kanser aku x nangis. dlm hati aku masih ada harapan utk De pulih. mungkin sebab beza umur antara de ngn mok ngoh. plus mok ngoh was already at stage 4 punye kanser. tapi De still at stage 3.

23rd of August
1.20 pm
- my cuzen called informing me of her death.
1.30 pm
- fetch my father from his home. surprisingly to find him not even ready yet.
2.30 pm
- depart from sunway.
- fetch my brother at pekeliling
3.30 pm
- br dpt masuk karak highway after gone thru such mass traffic.
11.00 pm
- arrived at mok ngoh's house.
- greet my cuzen to see her so calm.
- i slept for only 2 hours that night.
- accompanied my cuzen.she cried beside her mother. yet still calm even tho crying.

24th August 2008
6.00 am
- subuh prayer
- get things ready to mandikan jenazah.
7.30 am
- i made the water to be used, kapur barus and daun hmm can't remember the name.
9.00 am
- ustazah yg lead mandi jenazah tu baru smpai. then baru la start mandikan jenazah.
- my cuzen, eni,me and few other cousins, and also in laws also helped.
aku sgt berbesar hati dpt peluang mandikan arwah. sebab aku rs bersalah sangat x jaga dia masa dia sakit.

10.40 am
- kafankan arwah
- sembahyang jenazah
- iring ke kubur. yg naik dlm van jenazah masa tu, ayah ngoh, mok ngoh's children (eni, hisham n yon), me n my dad

11.00 am
- alhamdulillah sesampai di kubur semua urusan mudah. anak2 mok ngoh sgt berharap dpt tanam before kul 12 sebab itu waktu yg elok. alhamdulillah tercapai.

12.00 pm
- bertolak balik rumah
- makan tengahari
- dpt la tidur skejap. mmg kepenatan.

2.00 pm
- fetch my cuzen's husband from airport.

7.30 pm
- after solat maghrib, siap-siap untuk kenduri tahlil

itula aktiviti me n my family last weekend. mok ngoh aku ni dia la yg selalu tolong orang. dia tolong masa kakak aku kahwin aritu. mok ngoh selalu pesan kt aku walau mcm mana pun ayah tetap ayah aku. walau dia byk buat perangai.. mok ngoh pesan kt cuzen aku suruh carikan jodoh untuk aku. terharu betul aku dgr.

aku x sangka betul mok ngoh dah takde. mak sedara aku yg baik hati ade 2 je. mok ngoh ngn de. dua2 sakit. sorang da x de. ape2 pun aku redho. semoga ALLah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh mok ngoh.i love you mok ngoh. insyaallah eni ya adounii hisham yon abe mie lai will always pray for you. kitorang akan terus bersatu as a family..


mok ngoh dalam kenangan..

Thursday 21 August 2008

Interpersonal Intelligence

Your Interpersonal Intelligence Score: 77%

Your Interpersonal Intelligence is High

You are definitely a "people person." You enjoy spending time with others.

You instinctively understand people, and you are both a good counsellor and mediator.

However, there are definitely times when you've had enough. And that's when you cherish being alone.

Outcome of nothing to blog mood..

People Definitely Like You

You are very well liked, and many people admire you.

You are friendly, well mannered, and fun to be around.

Of course, you're not perfect... but that's okay.

Your friends are usually willing to accept you for who you are!

What People Don't Like About You:

People don't like that you seem unnatural and stiff at times. You sometimes give off an impression of being standoffish or fake.

What People Like About You:

People like that you can defend what you believe in calmly and rationally. You stand your ground and gain respect.

People like that you give them complements. You make people feel good about themselves!

People like your self deprecating sense of humor and that you don't take yourself too seriously.

Thursday 24 July 2008

Lucky Number 28

28.. the number twists today.. it's not the 28 that i imagined 10 years ago.. however, i thank GOD for what I have now..

just hoping more maturity, prosperity and all other +ve ity that i can get..hehe..
not much to say.. Happy Birthday to Me..

Friday 27 June 2008

Baik jadi doktor..

hmm.. aku br balik dr site.. haa.. what??!! yupp.. it's 535 in the morning n i just got back.. mcm doktor la kire.. dulu aku teman member on call kt hospital. skrg aku pulak yg kn on call.. hah pdn muka.. ni dah kali ke 2 minggu ni.. x smpai selang 3 hari pun... kalo mcm ni nye keje pun org x appreciate jugakk aku x tahu laa..

hmm aku br je nk apply cuti.. nk lek kl.. tp kalo da mcm ni ghope gayanye.. lmbt lg la aku kt sini gamaknye.. tp aku br suggest solutions.. harap2 jadi la.. sblum mate aku blah dr bhsb.. sebab dia x de kang x de org plak nk buat..

last 3 days, mate aku dtg... dia antara org yg agak close ngn aku kt site ni.. dia dtg wat testing.. nasib baik dia dtg.. memang tepat pada masanye.. di saat aku memerlukan motivasi dan kata2 nasihat.. sebab otak aku dah sangap giler...

masa dia kt sini ade la terjadi beberapa insiden.. antaranya jatuh dlm lubang kt computer room.. mmg x patot betul.. tp mmg aku jatuh.. blue black habis kaki aku smpai lenguh giller nk drive.. aku suruh member aku je jd drebar.. pastu dpt pulak email yg kununnye kitorang ni x de disiplin kt site.. amboi sedapnye komplen..

aku mmg sedikit stress la.. tp bila mate ak ni advise.. aku rasa lega sikit ar. mmg kena betul advise dia.. n i really need it... thanx a bunch mate. i hope u x jadi transfer.. muahahahaha...

ok la tu je nk citer kt arini.. nk mkn nasi goreng aku br beli.. ape pun.. Yeah Go SPAIN gO SPAIN.. aku tgk bola kt cntrl room.. bestt jugakk.. haha

Saturday 21 June 2008


hai mcblog.. lama giler aku x tulis kt sini.. last time was when i thot i'm back to office for good.. hmm nmpknye tidakk.. this last 2 3 weeks i just can't think straight... too much on my mind.. since i'm still young in my job, that's y it's kinda headache to handle such enormous responsibilities..

menda yg paling byk makan masa aku adalah OPC ngok ngek tu.. utk APC.. adoii.. at last.. aku dpt jgk selesaikan masalah tu.. sebenarnye aku rs aku boleh je selesaikan cepat.. tp sbb aku x dpt nk concentrate. benda bertimbun timbun.. sumenye nk kn study dulu.. cemana aku nk buat.. pulak tu utk pre close - up aku br dpt emel about deadlines.. damn i am so cannot finish it.. then i wrote email to my pm. telling how my situation really is..i've been so tensed last week that made me cry to sleep.. menyampah betul biler kena pk pasal keje ni.. tp alhamdulillah things are getting astray now.. opc da berjaya.. insyaallah. aku da test 3 hari so far it is stable.. PI is up.. n apc is ready for commissioning... wat left are 3 things.. which only 1 i can do on my own.. 2 lg kn study duluu n need help.. i;ve been crying for help since last november.. now that deadline is just around the corner .. help is still not here.. i think i need to start to lookout.. a few of my friends already got permanent position..well they said their contract has ended..coincedentally, headcounts are available.. hmm... cannot tell.. watever it is i need to start to look out.. i dun believe in bhsb.. things do not go as it is supposed to be any more...

lately aku rs, aku nye tanggungjawab ni sgt besar. sgt banyak.. compared to others. aku x tau la kenapa.. i appreciate the trust.. but sometimes i need help too..

bile da baca blog chi chiong kai. aku rs termotivasi pulak.. aku pnh diberitahu pasal buku tuu. da lama da aku dgr.. siap dpt cd lagi dr member dulu. tp x sempat nk baca pun... well i think, i'm inspired.. coz i trust my agent.. hehehe

Tuesday 3 June 2008

Back into Civilization..

yeahh arini da ade kt sunway... sian mak aku.. mak aku nk ikut dtg sini.. tp barang aku penuh giller dlm kete.. aku pun malas gak nk bawak benanye.. sbb nnt kesian kt siini aku keje x kan mak aku nk duk sensorang.. aku lg galakkan mak aku g johor.. setidak-tidaknye dpt la mak aku main ngn budak2 tu.. kalo kt umh aku ni penat naik tangga aje. dah lah umah mcm tongkang.. isk x nak la bawak.. hehe..

well arini smpai kl je aku terus g opis utk deliver barang2 yg byk itu.. dan berharga.. ada 3 pda HP.. aku x mo simpan. kang hilang x mo aku tanggung.. menda2 tu utk satu sub projek mtbe.. onewireless nama projek tu... wireless transmitter. 1st deploy in malaysia i tell you.. hahaha..n i'm gonna do it.. wow... mcm bagus jerr...insyaallah dpt la buat...

rindu jerr kt member2 opis.. dpt la jumpa derang tadi.. hehehe.. hm kt opis skang x byk job... ramai yg agak free.. free pun yg x bape bz ade la keje sesikit.. esok aku nk cuti.. fooh penat sehh.. 3minggu keje straight without off day.. lemau lemau..

so since aku cuti esok... kt sambung esok ye mcblog ku.. hehe by the way.. aku da tgk da grey's anatomy season 4 smpai abis.. hehe best giler.. aku siap suh member aku pos ke kuantan aritu. muaahahaha. kemaruk x kemaruk.. sebab kecewa x dpt citer southparkk.. huwaa..

Saturday 31 May 2008

You Are an Okay Listener

You try to be a good listener, and usually you are.

But some people are just so boring and difficult to listen to!

Your mind tends to wander during some conversations.

You are likely to space out a little or try to change the subject to something more interesting.

Your Mind is Yellow

Of all the mind types, yours is the most intellectual.

You crave mental stimulation, and your thoughts tend to very complex.

Your thoughts tend to be innovative and cutting edge, though many people don't understand them.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about science, architecture, and communication.

What Colour is Your Mind

Your Mind is Yellow

Of all the mind types, yours is the most intellectual.

You crave mental stimulation, and your thoughts tend to very complex.

Your thoughts tend to be innovative and cutting edge, though many people don't understand them.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about science, architecture, and communication.

still in kuantan...

hello bloggie.. arini last day of May.. hmm genap sebulan aku x jenguk kau.. sowiee.. my job forbids me.. debush debush.. well da 3 minggu aku kerja straight with no off day.. nk kata giler kata la.. tp dah tepaksa.. aku da kena selsema da ni.. aku x tau la.. kalo x pegi keje nnt serba salah.. lgpun aku ni masih kontrak.. there's no guarantee yet for me.. lgpun as per my history here, i need to prove myself more..

this time commission for another location. at port storage. much much smaller compared to last month's... 1/3. tmpt pun lebih selesa.. this time aku takeover psl hardware.. since da x de org lain.. well aku x kesah.. lgpun byk benda aku blh belajar.. x pe la.. mmg perit tp i know it is for my own good.. well team member pun da kurang this time.. 12 org je.. x mcm dulu 30 orang.. so mostly everynight/lunch we all eat together.. pm aku pun lbh byk spend time ngn kitorang.. dia nmpk lebih cool compared tu during mtbe... kalo dulu tu aku nk mintak balik pun takut.. muka berkerut ajekk..

ms memula aku smpai mmg boring giller...skrg ni ok skt.. tp pas ni kurang la org.. aku nk balik benanye isnin ni.. tp x dpt kot.. maybe selasa.. coz aku kn dtg balik on the 17hb utk testing.. pastu dpt pulak skop keje baru.. onewireless.. well.. byk politik menda ni.. training nye beria ramai pergi.. time nk buat.. hmm masing2 tunjuk sibuk... hmmm

ah biar la.. yg penting aku nak pergi kota bharu tgk mok ngoh 13hb ni...naik flight.. saje da lama x naik.. ehehehe... indulgence .. hahaha..

oh ye.. lupa plak.. arini aku dpt tengok obor obor dgn mata kepala aku.. yg besar mcm bola basketball.. pastu nmpk ikan todak.. best gillerr....

Wednesday 30 April 2008

aku nk balik sunway .. !

sebulan kt MTBE. since 1hb april sampai la hari ni 30hb april. berkuak dah aku kt sini.. aku dpt rasa mcm mana kerja kt kampung halaman.. memula best la.. tp entah la naper dah lelama ni aku rs busan.. agaknye mungkin sebab aku dah biasa life kt kl.. aku pun dpt rs mcm mane duduk ngn mak aku dlm keadaan aku bekerja.. duduk masa sekolah lain geng..hmm i would rather not la kot.. hehe.. mmg sgt convenient tp aku lebih suka hidup berdikari..aku rs lebih free.. balik je rumah mak pok pek pok pek.. aku x larat nk jawab sbb penat sgt keje.. aku angguk ngn geleng je laa.. hahaha.. jwb jgk la sesikit..

yg penting aku dah dpt green light balik kl ahad ni.. mencari keje yg boleh dilakukan di opis.. yahoo.. aku nk balik !!!!

Saturday 29 March 2008


Jumaat 21Mac 2008
mulanye sakit kepala aje.. tp sakit mmg agak luar biasa... tak tahu la kenapa sakit kepala mlm tu.. so mlm tu aku mmg tido awal.. lgpun esok nye dah janji dgn milo nk antor dia.. aku telan panadol n aku tido jek la smpai esok..

Sabtu 22Mac 2008
Aku bangun kul 545 .. sakit kepla masih terasa.. x tau la apsal. berat betul kepala.. lepas antar milo mmg flat aku tido kt rumah.. smpai keesokan harinye. bdn terasa panas. tp selalu nye kalo aku rs aku ni demam maknanye x demam la tu. tu pasal aku mls nk layan. and so aku juz makan panadol aje. x g klinik pun.

Ahad 23Mac 2008
alhamdulillah ahad dah ok sikit. aku lepak ngn ida siap jenjalan kt OU lagi. tgk wayang plak tu.citer 27,000 dresses.. best giler. sempat la menghiburkan hati ida yg busan tu.. haha.. aku pun terhibur jgk. pastu mkn kt shogun. aku xde la rasa sehat sgt. tp sehari bersama teman mmg melegakan sikit. mlm tu aku juz mkn panadol sbb rs mcm panas badan. lalu tidorla dgn lena nye..

Isnin 24Mac 2008
hari ni aku keje mcm bese. aku dtg awal as usual. pastu mesti tido dulu pepagi kt surau. then time lunch aku tido lagi. aku rasa x sedap badan. rasa panad jek badan. besenya aku x tido tengahari. arini aku mmg pelik sebab aku tido waktu lunch. lena plak tu. rasa lemah. so aku decide pegi klinik. debuk ! doktor memberitakan sesuatu yang sangat tidak sedap didengar. i was suspected denggi. mau tak terkejut beruk aku. sakit kepala yg disangka akan hilang saja tetiba suspek plak mcm ni. adoi.. smpai opis je aku gtau PM aku.. spt reaksi biasa beliau. "Alamak.." mmg da xtahu nk ckp ape. so dia suruh aku balik. nasib baik esok x jadi g site..

Selasa 25Mac 2008
Still feeling feverish. shaking. no appetite. tired. all the down feelings. had the first blood test today. it was 158. quite normal as told by a friend.

Rabu 26Mac 2008
arini aku da x demam sangat. cuma letih aje. agaknye penat badan aku ni dok lawan penyakit.. sian badann... arini aku sedih sebab blood test arini drop to 119. aku dpt mc lagi.. dah hari ke 3 aku mc. aku malas nk layan so aku just makan obat n tido aje.. makan pun x lalu juz mkn roti aje..lg pun arini cirit birit.. khatib kol aku juz jawab hmmm.. sebab aku tgh tido.. dia tny aku kt umah ke.. aku ckp aah. demam. so x pe nnt dia kol bila dah sehat.. haha cam lawak jek..

Khamis 27Mac 2008

today run into blood test again. this time it was 115. Kak Jimot kata da statik tu kira ok. lgpun da x tah nape doktor kt klinik suh dtg jgk. dia suh aku buat blood test kt hospital. becoz katanye my platlet clumping. so x dpt exact reading. hmm... so petang tu pulak aku kn g opis. ada org dr singapore dtg jumpa aku. so aku pergi la kejap.. dlm kul 6 aku g PPUM. nk buat blood test. nasib ade si salmi teman. kalo tidak nangeh aku.. dah la sedeh.. huhu.. pukul 1 br dpt result betul.. sama jgk. clumping. dia amik lg darah aku. tp ak da maleh dah nk tengok.

Jumaat 28Mac 2008
Hari ni 1st day aku kembali bekerja. ramai jugak yg bertanya. glame aku satu opis suma tau aku suspek denggi. bagus jugak semoga seramai itu juga la yg telah mendoakan aku. terima kasih. arini pulak ada miting. aku kena balik kuantan. setup system ready for shutdown. utk loopcheck sumer. well let's go HOME.. :)

mcm tu la kesah sakit aku minggu lalu.. sedeh.. takut. aku sampai nangis pun ade. yelah sebab da x sehat. pastu doktor klinik yg bodoj tu pulak nakut nakut kan aku. dah la x pandai.. tny kak jimot pun lg tahu. doktor tua semuanye... bongok tul. tobat x g dah klinik tu..

Friday 21 March 2008

Life at 27+++

Hello mcblog.. well.. life goes on.. just that a "new" family member just stepped in. my neo.. alhamdulillah akhirnya dpt jugak aku beli kereta.. even with many circumstances. syukur ke hadrat ALLah s.w.t.. walaupun kerana kereta itu juga ada tragedi yg berlaku. hmm.. x tau la nk kt ape da.. mungkin dulu aku x caya sgt kt mamat tu.. kurang la.. maybe % aku trust dia dulu hanye 60%.. tp skrg ni 0%.. sorry to say... he cud be my own blood.. but he is the blood from hurt feelings.. not to mention my mom.. i dunno la all this fella.. couldn't exactly express it all here.. but i know. because i'm the one feeling it..

i thank ALLah i still got my father & my sister.. i think education is very important. how our mind is educated dictates our thinking.. which led to our actions. i'm not calling them stupid. but i finally got to make a conclusion that this is one of the factors. both "mamat" n her is not highly educated. not to mention that DATIN also.. she's even worse. she flopped her SRP. but since she got rich, she thinks she owns the world, and the people who lives in it.. hmm let it be...
seriously these people (excluding my mother) have tortured me.. emotionally was the major part. "mamat" left house to live on his own since i was 15. we rarely see each other. we don't even communicate. at times, i had my circumstances.. BIG ones.. he's not even there to say hello. not even from afar. not to mention when i was taking my big exam, SPM. it was only my sis. who asked how am i doing. not to say i mind. but it hurts a lot when i am this stage, he claims me to be not helping him. why suddenly he is in my life. he's been disappeared all time long.. it's a BIG F***ing lie if i say i love him... it's a BIG F***ing lie too if i say i hate him. just no feelings wud be the best to describe it.. i just don't care about him any more..

and Her.. hmm she has always on "mamat's" side since we're little... i was always the one to be blamed on.. S***.. i hate this situation.. however i need to confess.. this is what has made me stronger inside.. all those tests that HE gaved me.. i thank HIM.. i knew ALLAH know BEST..

i worked like hell here.. wat i get i need to give that "mamat".. it was with hard work i got to earn my honda wave..i am so so so so sad.. however.. i just need to move on.. from wat i know.. i always has been put to face.get things in hard way.. and for wat i know.. it is more precious. and we will appreciate it more.. for every difficulties, there's always ease after it.... things has never been easy for me.. please ALLAh help me GOD.... Syukur alhamdulillah..

Friday 14 March 2008

I Love my job...I Love my job...I Love my job...I Love my job...

I Love my job...I Love my job...I Love my job...I Love my job...I Love my job...

sabar je la.. keje kt honeywell ni byk menguji kesabaran aku.. not to mention my maturity.. aku suka keje aku.. cuma kalau la diberi lebih masa untuk mengkaji. aku yakinaku da konfiden dgn experion. cuma skrg aku sgt lemah dlm advanced application. sbb menda tu kn tahu backgorund instrument, process.. hmm nk confugure the application is a headache, which i have already managed.. i mean only about 80% la..

but on how to really use it is one thing.. hmm bukannye senang.. otai kt sini.. hmm.. ade "angin" dia sndiri.. mls la nk layan.. kalo dia blh buat. aku mst blh buat punyer..

isnin ni ade audit nk dtg.. insyaallah.. aku yakin.. i'm gonna nail it..

Sunday 9 March 2008


sumanye pasal rm300 .. arini actually aku janji ngn abg aku nk pass motor. dia beli dr aku.. sedih jgk nk lego mtr tu. sbb aku je la yg tahu payah jerih nye time beli mtr tu. tp aku follow advice kwn aku. dia kt jual la.. for family's sake.. n aku pun pk betul jgk.. aku mmg da rela hati da..

abg aku da byr 1k advance.. seingat aku yg mmg sentiasa pelupa ni.. aku janji nk lego at the price of 2.3k.. mmg aku betul2 ingat mcm tu.. so arini nk bg mtr abg aku nk la kasi balance.. so aku ingt lg 1.3k la.. tp aku ckp 300 tu x pe la kemudian pun x pe..
terus naik hangin abg aku... mcm2 kata2 kesat. mmg sgt sakit ati bile membaca sms tu.. then since abg aku tu insist sgt 2k je aku pun ok la x pe.. nk buat cemna.. then aku siap mintak maaf lg. aku ckp aku mmg betul2 lupa.. tp dia x nk jgk.. siap da x ngaku aku ni adik dia.. fine la... akt least aku da cuba..

so perasaan aku sekarang hanya lah sedih, sedikit gementar.. x sangka.. hny krn 300.. mcm ni sekali reaksi dia.. patutnye sbg abg dia la yg tlg aku.. ni terbalik pulakk.. dulu time aku study x berduit.. x pnh plk nk amik tau.. skrg bila aku da keje br la nk tunjuk muka.. ape hal mamat ni.. bod*** rupenye.. so kalo pape jd kt aku.. sesape yg baca ni.. tau la angkara nye abg aku la... sumanye gara2 300 ringgit..

Sunday 2 March 2008

Am I Selfish

You Are 31% Selfish

In general, you are a very giving person who treats others very well.

But at times, you insist on getting your way - when it matters most to you.

How Well Do I Understand Men?

You Have Your PhD in Men

You understand men almost better than anyone.

You accept that guys are very different, and you read signals well.

Work what you know about men, and your relationships will be blissful.

Ma kind of Coffee

You Are an Iced Coffee

At your best, you are: hyper, modern, and athletic

At your worst, you are: cheap and angsty

You drink coffee when: you're out with friends

Your caffeine addiction level: medium

Tak semua cam kiterr...

eloo.. long time no blogging.. as time forbids.. well life ain't that much fun lately.. well it's nothing.. just having lead who just quits.. a bundle of work needs to be done.. had to cope up with schedule for more than 1 thing in one week at the sme time.. setelah puas merayu bantuan.. at last dpt jgk setelkan..with only minor hiccups.. tah la kdg2 aku x tau nk ckp mcm mane.. aku nye keje ni berjenis-jenis.. setiap stu pun aku kn go thru manual yg ratus2 muka. nk paham lagi. nk configure lg. suma pun nk kn siap cepat.. pastu nk kn troubleshoot lg. ntah la.. maybe aku je yg pk cm tu.. orang lain nye keje lg hebat. aku ni sape la... nk mtk tlg skt pun susah bkn main.. mls nk layan..

honestly mmg xde sape yg aku leh trust kt sini. becoz everybody's not honest. bila kt buat silap. x de sape nk tlg tegur. tegur yg membina. ckp belakang je kejenye.. i juz hate this kind of attitude.. well.. kesimpulannye.. tak semua cam kiterr..

Saturday 9 February 2008

16 Signs You love Someone

When you're on the phone with them
late at night and they hang up, you
still miss them even when it was just
two minutes ago.

You read their texts over and
over again.

You walk really slow when you're with

You feel shy whenever they're around.

When you think about them, your heart
beats faster but slower at the same

You smile when you hear their voice.

When you look at them, you can't see
the other people around you, you just
see him/her.

You start listening to slow songs
while thinking about them.

They're all you think about.

You get high just from their scent.

You relize you're always smiling when
you're looking at them.

You would do anything for them, just
to see them.

While reading this, there was one
person on your mind this whole time.

You were so busy thinking about that
person, you didnt notice number twelve
was missing

You just scrolled up to check & are
now silently laughing at yourself.

My February..

1. Happy?
- I'm OK..

2 . When was the last time you went out?
- yesterday.. went to visit my auntie..

3 . What was the last movie you saw?
- The American Gangster..

4 . The last place you went?
- Giant Kuantan..

5. Missing someone?
- yes.. but no use..

6. What made you smile today?
- watching videos of ma nephews..

7. Are you scared to fall in love?
- maybe..

9. Ever thought you were in love?
- :)

10 . What is your status right now?
- single..

11. Did you dream last night?
- nope..

12. What were you doing this morning at 7 am?
- deep sleep.. :-)

13. What were you doing this morning at 10 am?
- breakfast

15 . Name a country you want to visit.
- london

17. Do you have a tattoo?
- haram woo.

18 . What was the last thing you ate?
- apple

19 . Last thing you drank?
- sky juice

.20. Last text message received?
- sheila - aku pun rasa cmtu

21. Do you have a nick name?
- yups.

22. One thing you do everyday?
- eat.. hehe

23. Are you a type of person who easily gets hurt?
- used to no more..

24 . The last thing you said to one of your friends?
- malasnye nk lek kl

27.Rate your day 1- 10.
- 5

28. Did anything exciting happen today?
- hmm nope..

31. Type something that is on your mind?
- merajuk ngn boss.. huhu

32. How many things in your past do you regret?
- only in my love life.. hehe

33. Do you have a best friend?
- yes

34. What do you want to be when you grow up?
- successful n happy

35.Type something that is on your mind? again?
- aku ni agaknye x layak kot keje sini

36. Have you ever had your heart broken?
- yesss...

38. Do you like your life?
- ok la..

40. Has one of your friends ever stabbed you in the back?
- yes!!

42 . Do you have more friends that are girls or boys?
- kinda balanced

43. How long have you had friendster?
- since 2003

44. Have you ever skipped school?
- who doesn't !!

Monday 4 February 2008

My Best Quality.. says Facebook...


Your best quality is loving! People like you because of your loving nature. You are a nice person that cares about others. Your loving nature makes you a good friend.

Monday 28 January 2008

Interpersonal Intelligence

Your Interpersonal Intelligence Score: 70%

Your Interpersonal Intelligence is High

You are definitely a "people person." You enjoy spending time with others.
You instinctively understand people, and you are both a good counsellor and mediator.
However, there are definitely times when you've had enough. And that's when you cherish being alone.

Saturday 26 January 2008

i got locked out..

i finished quite early yesterday coz got a bad headache and so so tired.. dah berangan nk lepak dpn tv sambil dinner and ngadap internet.. tiba2 aku boleh nk masuk rumah aku sendiri.. ada mangkuk hayun kepala setan mane tah pergi mangga pintu rumah aku.. coz ada satu spare yg tidak di mangga. dah 4 tahun aku duduk situ.. x pernah pulak aku dengar ada org kena kunci dari luar.. nasib baik aku takde kt rumah.. kalo aku ade kt rumah x tau la... balik umah kul 830 ingatkan dah awal da.. rupenye lmbt jugak .. pukul 11 br aku dpt masuk rumah.. adoi... hmm moga ia sebagai kifarah dosa aku...

Wednesday 23 January 2008

My Birth Date Meaning

Your Birthdate: July 24

You understand people well and are a natural born therapist.
A peacemaker, people always seem to get along when you are around.
You tend to be a father or mother figure to friends, even to those older than you.
You enjoy your role, and you find that you are close to many people.

Your strength: Your devotion

Your weakness: Reliance on others for happiness

Your power color: Lilac

Your power symbol: Heart

Your power month: June

Tuesday 22 January 2008

What Kind of Smile Do You Have?

You have an Innocent Smile
Sweet and naïve, you have a smile that is full of genuine happiness. You have a pure heart and when you smile, you mean it and everyone around you knows you do. People are attracted to your sweetness and sincerity, and find your company refreshing and enjoyable. With your open and non-judgmental smile and personality, you will often find people confiding in you.

haha.. what can i say...
for more.. join

Whole new year..

juz got back from work... feeling good.. yet nervous bout this new project.. my 2nd project is going to be commissioned some where next month.. sadly i am not allowed to join.. my current pm needs me more for this project.. hmm kinda sad but its ok.. i just want to have field experience more..

worked too long in the office already.. however yes i'm so needed in the office rite now.. according to plan my 1st field office wud be in kuantan.. hopefully the plan is not just a plan..

i am already unofficially certified for Honeywell's R300..juz waiting for the certificate via email.. so glad.. it was quite a burden to me for the past 6 months.. now it's time to collect more certs and head for the better.. let's get dressed to success.. !!

Wednesday 9 January 2008

Free food festival

it's the free food week.. ALhamdulillah this week i got to eat free food all the week coz of the training.. on top of that last nite our boss from singapore treat dinner at the seafood restaurant nearby.. damn the lobster was RM248/kg.. than there were also crabs... i was so stuffed.

left is the pic of the lobster we ate.. In this pic the lobster was actually still alive !! It was a marvellous experience.. was really stuffed !!

Sunday 6 January 2008

Supper Bowl Nite..

It was a blast.. that's all i can say.. some kinda reunion we had at Bora Asmara Restaurant, Sg. Penchala. Besttt.. We had so much fun there.. which didn't end there.. the food was cheap.. and great.. but the best was.. it's environment... went for dinner with Honeywellers and ex-Honeywellers..

after dinner headed out for Superbowl Nite at One Utama... huhu.. strike -2.. huhu.. dah lama x lepak giler giler mcm ni.. bila lepak dgn org mid ages ni aku rs mcm lg best.. amin&gf.. Sya&wife, azura, epol, toqmat, diba, mizi,siew leh.. got to play around with sya's super nikon camera.. this picture was actually taken by me... hehe.. best giler kamera tuu.. one day i need to have one.. fill up time.. wat a hobby...

yet the fun didn't end at bowling just yet.. went for supper at Sri Murni, ss2.. the famous food stall.. i had low she fan..(whatever it spells..) the best things was.. i spent only rm25 for the nite.. hehe.. ni best kalo hang out ngn bos nii.. haha.. well guys.. looking forward for the next event...

From left:
Toqmat, Diba, Nina(Amin's gf),SiewLeh(hiding),me,epol(arms in the air),Mizi,Syaruzmi...