Friday 27 June 2008

Baik jadi doktor..

hmm.. aku br balik dr site.. haa.. what??!! yupp.. it's 535 in the morning n i just got back.. mcm doktor la kire.. dulu aku teman member on call kt hospital. skrg aku pulak yg kn on call.. hah pdn muka.. ni dah kali ke 2 minggu ni.. x smpai selang 3 hari pun... kalo mcm ni nye keje pun org x appreciate jugakk aku x tahu laa..

hmm aku br je nk apply cuti.. nk lek kl.. tp kalo da mcm ni ghope gayanye.. lmbt lg la aku kt sini gamaknye.. tp aku br suggest solutions.. harap2 jadi la.. sblum mate aku blah dr bhsb.. sebab dia x de kang x de org plak nk buat..

last 3 days, mate aku dtg... dia antara org yg agak close ngn aku kt site ni.. dia dtg wat testing.. nasib baik dia dtg.. memang tepat pada masanye.. di saat aku memerlukan motivasi dan kata2 nasihat.. sebab otak aku dah sangap giler...

masa dia kt sini ade la terjadi beberapa insiden.. antaranya jatuh dlm lubang kt computer room.. mmg x patot betul.. tp mmg aku jatuh.. blue black habis kaki aku smpai lenguh giller nk drive.. aku suruh member aku je jd drebar.. pastu dpt pulak email yg kununnye kitorang ni x de disiplin kt site.. amboi sedapnye komplen..

aku mmg sedikit stress la.. tp bila mate ak ni advise.. aku rasa lega sikit ar. mmg kena betul advise dia.. n i really need it... thanx a bunch mate. i hope u x jadi transfer.. muahahahaha...

ok la tu je nk citer kt arini.. nk mkn nasi goreng aku br beli.. ape pun.. Yeah Go SPAIN gO SPAIN.. aku tgk bola kt cntrl room.. bestt jugakk.. haha

Saturday 21 June 2008


hai mcblog.. lama giler aku x tulis kt sini.. last time was when i thot i'm back to office for good.. hmm nmpknye tidakk.. this last 2 3 weeks i just can't think straight... too much on my mind.. since i'm still young in my job, that's y it's kinda headache to handle such enormous responsibilities..

menda yg paling byk makan masa aku adalah OPC ngok ngek tu.. utk APC.. adoii.. at last.. aku dpt jgk selesaikan masalah tu.. sebenarnye aku rs aku boleh je selesaikan cepat.. tp sbb aku x dpt nk concentrate. benda bertimbun timbun.. sumenye nk kn study dulu.. cemana aku nk buat.. pulak tu utk pre close - up aku br dpt emel about deadlines.. damn i am so cannot finish it.. then i wrote email to my pm. telling how my situation really is..i've been so tensed last week that made me cry to sleep.. menyampah betul biler kena pk pasal keje ni.. tp alhamdulillah things are getting astray now.. opc da berjaya.. insyaallah. aku da test 3 hari so far it is stable.. PI is up.. n apc is ready for commissioning... wat left are 3 things.. which only 1 i can do on my own.. 2 lg kn study duluu n need help.. i;ve been crying for help since last november.. now that deadline is just around the corner .. help is still not here.. i think i need to start to lookout.. a few of my friends already got permanent position..well they said their contract has ended..coincedentally, headcounts are available.. hmm... cannot tell.. watever it is i need to start to look out.. i dun believe in bhsb.. things do not go as it is supposed to be any more...

lately aku rs, aku nye tanggungjawab ni sgt besar. sgt banyak.. compared to others. aku x tau la kenapa.. i appreciate the trust.. but sometimes i need help too..

bile da baca blog chi chiong kai. aku rs termotivasi pulak.. aku pnh diberitahu pasal buku tuu. da lama da aku dgr.. siap dpt cd lagi dr member dulu. tp x sempat nk baca pun... well i think, i'm inspired.. coz i trust my agent.. hehehe

Tuesday 3 June 2008

Back into Civilization..

yeahh arini da ade kt sunway... sian mak aku.. mak aku nk ikut dtg sini.. tp barang aku penuh giller dlm kete.. aku pun malas gak nk bawak benanye.. sbb nnt kesian kt siini aku keje x kan mak aku nk duk sensorang.. aku lg galakkan mak aku g johor.. setidak-tidaknye dpt la mak aku main ngn budak2 tu.. kalo kt umh aku ni penat naik tangga aje. dah lah umah mcm tongkang.. isk x nak la bawak.. hehe..

well arini smpai kl je aku terus g opis utk deliver barang2 yg byk itu.. dan berharga.. ada 3 pda HP.. aku x mo simpan. kang hilang x mo aku tanggung.. menda2 tu utk satu sub projek mtbe.. onewireless nama projek tu... wireless transmitter. 1st deploy in malaysia i tell you.. hahaha..n i'm gonna do it.. wow... mcm bagus jerr...insyaallah dpt la buat...

rindu jerr kt member2 opis.. dpt la jumpa derang tadi.. hehehe.. hm kt opis skang x byk job... ramai yg agak free.. free pun yg x bape bz ade la keje sesikit.. esok aku nk cuti.. fooh penat sehh.. 3minggu keje straight without off day.. lemau lemau..

so since aku cuti esok... kt sambung esok ye mcblog ku.. hehe by the way.. aku da tgk da grey's anatomy season 4 smpai abis.. hehe best giler.. aku siap suh member aku pos ke kuantan aritu. muaahahaha. kemaruk x kemaruk.. sebab kecewa x dpt citer southparkk.. huwaa..