Saturday 31 May 2008

still in kuantan...

hello bloggie.. arini last day of May.. hmm genap sebulan aku x jenguk kau.. sowiee.. my job forbids me.. debush debush.. well da 3 minggu aku kerja straight with no off day.. nk kata giler kata la.. tp dah tepaksa.. aku da kena selsema da ni.. aku x tau la.. kalo x pegi keje nnt serba salah.. lgpun aku ni masih kontrak.. there's no guarantee yet for me.. lgpun as per my history here, i need to prove myself more..

this time commission for another location. at port storage. much much smaller compared to last month's... 1/3. tmpt pun lebih selesa.. this time aku takeover psl hardware.. since da x de org lain.. well aku x kesah.. lgpun byk benda aku blh belajar.. x pe la.. mmg perit tp i know it is for my own good.. well team member pun da kurang this time.. 12 org je.. x mcm dulu 30 orang.. so mostly everynight/lunch we all eat together.. pm aku pun lbh byk spend time ngn kitorang.. dia nmpk lebih cool compared tu during mtbe... kalo dulu tu aku nk mintak balik pun takut.. muka berkerut ajekk..

ms memula aku smpai mmg boring giller...skrg ni ok skt.. tp pas ni kurang la org.. aku nk balik benanye isnin ni.. tp x dpt kot.. maybe selasa.. coz aku kn dtg balik on the 17hb utk testing.. pastu dpt pulak skop keje baru.. onewireless.. well.. byk politik menda ni.. training nye beria ramai pergi.. time nk buat.. hmm masing2 tunjuk sibuk... hmmm

ah biar la.. yg penting aku nak pergi kota bharu tgk mok ngoh 13hb ni...naik flight.. saje da lama x naik.. ehehehe... indulgence .. hahaha..

oh ye.. lupa plak.. arini aku dpt tengok obor obor dgn mata kepala aku.. yg besar mcm bola basketball.. pastu nmpk ikan todak.. best gillerr....

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