Sunday 19 August 2007

Teraniaya Tanpa Sedar

August.. aku da mula serasi dengan tempat kerja.. ini bulan ke 9 aku keje kt honeyhell ni.. bermula dgn tak tahu ape2.. aku even x sangka honeyhell ni involve industry oil n gas.. wat made me accept the job was because the interviewer promised me that everybody new will be given training first.. he is well acknowledged of my lack of experience in networking which he intend to put me into.. he is well acknowledged that i only had 1 year of working experience..

masa memula join, aku quite happy. coz aku diberi masa untuk settle down and learn .. masuk january things started to get haywired.aku culture shock bila tau wat projek untuk oil n gas.. dpt pulak discipline lead yg mcm org giler.... obviously he doesn't like me. and i don't like him too.. fair enuf...

3rd month keje,february, aku nekad nk quit.. intensively seeked for jobs.. got a few... tp bila istikharah.. hunch untuk stay sgt kuat.. so aku pun stay..

6th month keje, that was the peak of suffer.. aku x leh lupa kejadian di bulan mei itu... nasib baik ada kengkawan.. toqmat, ida, anne, saiful, rajah, eric,ijan.. k.wati, kak ct.. xsangka jugak aku manage jgk la got thru...

this month.. segalanye terjawab.. bila da ada system crash kiterang report kt expert dr singapore, alex. i spent about 2.5 days with him.. mmg byk benda aku belajar dgn dia.. so basically dia explain wat went wrong n wat are the possibilities that made things wrong.
aku sgt gembira bila alex ckp the major problem is focalpoint person is not trained. wow aku x sangka dia akn guna word major problem. anyway thanx a load.. then ada ismatch configuration kt switch jgk.. yg tu mmg silap aku la.. tapi alex kt dia pun pernah connect CF9 ty kt different configured ports n it doesn't give any harm.. n mmg aku tahu x de harm. coz da byk benda jalan under that switch.. haha.. but still, for me, lesson learnt..he told me not to worry.. pastu dia ada tegur pasal architecture.. this is a big matter..

mostly menda yg alex tegur, da byk org yg expert kt sini tegur.. tp since pm pandai sgt.. ikut ckp x-EM yg bo*** itu..

alex kt it is not fair, to give such responsibilities to new ppl like me.. aku x kn lupa smpai mati apa yg management ni buat kt aku.. aku sgt2 rs teraniaya.. walaubagaimana pun, aku syukur dgn apa yg ALLah kurniakan... i can forgive, but i cannot forget..

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