Sunday 2 March 2008

Tak semua cam kiterr...

eloo.. long time no blogging.. as time forbids.. well life ain't that much fun lately.. well it's nothing.. just having lead who just quits.. a bundle of work needs to be done.. had to cope up with schedule for more than 1 thing in one week at the sme time.. setelah puas merayu bantuan.. at last dpt jgk setelkan..with only minor hiccups.. tah la kdg2 aku x tau nk ckp mcm mane.. aku nye keje ni berjenis-jenis.. setiap stu pun aku kn go thru manual yg ratus2 muka. nk paham lagi. nk configure lg. suma pun nk kn siap cepat.. pastu nk kn troubleshoot lg. ntah la.. maybe aku je yg pk cm tu.. orang lain nye keje lg hebat. aku ni sape la... nk mtk tlg skt pun susah bkn main.. mls nk layan..

honestly mmg xde sape yg aku leh trust kt sini. becoz everybody's not honest. bila kt buat silap. x de sape nk tlg tegur. tegur yg membina. ckp belakang je kejenye.. i juz hate this kind of attitude.. well.. kesimpulannye.. tak semua cam kiterr..

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