Friday 27 April 2007

Accept what you can change, tolerate what you can't

This is my 15th post for this month .. this portrays how tensed I am this month.. Having a lot of things to do is nothing.. I have expected it before hand.. but when you work in a so-not-happy mood.. the energy consumed is double.. triplet.. quadrplet.. watever they wanna call it.. aku ni extrovert person.. kalo aku x suka tu, mmg nampak sgt kt muka aku nii.. aku x reti la nak sorok...
itu la kelemahan aku.......arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh

dalam 2 hari ni aku sound aku nye lead sesuka aku je .. geram la dia tu.. lembik.. x tau nk protect engineer sendiri..
disebabkan dia la.. mamat S tu buleh attack kiterang ni.. tp after the confrontation aritu. aku dgn selambanye ckp kt mamat S tu aku x leh terima kalo dia dtg kt aku direct n buat casual check . aku lebih rela di casual check dengan supervisor aku ngn discipline lead aku.. so far after the big complaining part, discipline lead aku da berubah sikit la. aku happy sikit nk compare dgn before this.. and he support me too.. thank you.. please stay the same.. hehe..

entah la.. skrg aku kt opis dah x senyum da.. ramai yg tegur.. muka asek serius jekk... aku da x leh nak joke around dgn opismate yg lain like i used to be.. however they all understand.. thanx a load.. kdg2 derang kaco aku pun aku wat dek je.. .nasib baik aku x fire.. syukur la aku wat dek.. hohoho.... however i'm trying my superbest to make myself happy.. even tho i'm not in the inside.. as the quote says :

"Accept what you can change, tolerate what you can't"

Surprisingly this quote has been the theme in my life in the past 2 years...

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