makin lama aku keje kt honeywell ni.. makin aku terasa perbezaannya.. betul la org kata.. lg besar gaji lagi besar cabaran nye.. lg besar tanggungjawabnye.. itu la hakikat nye.. sekarang aku betul betul dpt rasakn kebenaran fakta tu.. yg penting kite kena sabar, bila dpt hasilnye, barula terasa kemanisannye..
aku suka keje aku sekarang.. solely keje aku..byk benda aku leh belajar.. byk benda baru.. yg aku mmg x pnh terfikir langsng sblum ni.. aku bersyukur, diberi peluang meraih pengalaman keje ini.. aku yakin dan hanya percaya rezeki tu dtgnya dari DIA..
arini aku rasa gak gembira kt opis.. sebab utama nya is mamat S tu x de jenguk staging mg3.. 2ndly, i had a productive session with my lead... aku memang surprised dgn session tersebut.. actually pagi tadi, sebelum aku jumpa dentist, aku ade emel dia, PM aku n aku siap cc kt OM lagi.. juz a forml reporting bout my progress, and aku ade selit skt some sentences yg aku rs memberi kesan yg cukup besar sehingga lead aku panggil aku n request to talk to me personally. bukannye 1st time aku email kt dia.. ntah la nape arini terbuka pintu hati dia untuk berbincang dgn aku. we talked from 530 till 630++.. approximately 1 hour..
aku sebenanye antara percaya dengan tidak.. sblum jmpa tu cuak jgk aku.. ye la takut la nk kn buang kerja ke ape ke.. huhu.. sbb da byk sgt benda aku x puas ati aku cakap.. tp ni la 1st time lead aku respon mcm ni.. bkn aku sorang yg komplen.. ramai..
antara main point perbincangn tadi, lead aku ada sebut, ada org komplen psl kerja aku. hmmmm... komplen kununnye x leh nk keje ngn aku.. hmm aku heran jugak.. coz setahu aku, aku ok je keje ngn sesape.. sikit2 tu besa la kan.. suma orng ada kelemahan msing2.. lead aku hoenstly dia kt do not agree.. so dia nk dgr sndiri dr aku.. even OM aku trust n said lead aku shud know better.. sape buat keje. sape x..
then dia mention, it is so not fair, kalo aku dapat semua blame. coz it equipments yg dibeli utk mg3 da sememang nye x ikut qualified spec. n that's not my doing..pulak tu sbagai org baru, memang x patut aku kena pikul semua burden of whole system mg3.. even system consultant honeywell yg da keje berbelas belas tahun agree .. lead aku juz ask me to keep on doing wat i'm doing now.. malah lebihkan lagi.. dlm ereti kata lain, aku kena menunjuk sikit setiap kerja yg aku buat.. so lepas ni apa lagi.. sikit2 email la.. sikit email la.. before this memang aku x report sma benda.. coz sblum ni x de laptop n emel akses..
then aku ade ckp yg aku mmg stress keje projek ni.. n it affected my health.. badly..n my lead said.. he knows n have been thru the same thing. at his previous company.. he told khatib that he left becoz his boss didn't do any corrective action.. bila kt stress, quality kerja kita pun menurun.. penat... bila balik, affect relationship kt dgn family.. my lead said, kalo kite ada bad personal life.. it wud affect us at our job.. that is so true..
so aku tny dia, why things have not get better for this past 6 months.masa 3 orang quit in march, lead aku, OM aku suma tahu sebab derang quit. then my lead ckp, itulah yg dikatakan, kt honeywell ni, everybody deserves a second chance. hoping things to get better. and no, things did not. but got worse. and so it's time to change. my lead promise that changes will be made. but he cannot tell what becoz it's not him doing it.. so juz wait n see.. he even said that changes might affect me as well..
well.. itu antara main points la apa yg aku diskus dgn dia.. aku appreciate sangat apa yg dia buat arini. n hoping for the best.. insyaallah... lastly, juz nk share dgn korang, satu poem yg sgt nostalgia time aku kt sekolah dulu...
Hope is what most people want,
But hope is what most people afraid to give
Hope without effort is bad
as bad as effort without hope
But hope for a hope is a good thing
if you have faith in the hope you're hoping..
But hope is what most people afraid to give
Hope without effort is bad
as bad as effort without hope
But hope for a hope is a good thing
if you have faith in the hope you're hoping..
esok aku akan cabut gigi.. doakan ok..
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